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Mango Peti
Mango Peti
Rs. 3,999
**Now get a Great Deal by bulk ordering a traditional Mango Wooden Peti instead of the regular One Dozen Mango Box.
** Mango petis are delivered in state of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka and Telangana only and Prices are inclusive of "HOME DELIVERY" in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka and Telangana state only
** Each Mango Peti would have ONE specific grade of Mangoes viz. Small, Medium or Large. The Number of Mangoes in each Peti would be dependent upon their Grade. viz Large Grade consists of 48 Mangoes, Medium Grade consists of 60 Mangoes and Small Grade consists of 72 Mangoes. The Mango variety can be Alphonso or Ratna Hapus or Kesar or Pairi. The price of Peti would be SAME for any Variety and includes FREE HOME DELIVERY in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka and Telangana.
Grade Size | Size of Mango Fruit |
Small | Mango Fruit Range: 190 to 220 grams |
Medium | Mango Fruit Range: 220 to 250 grams |
Large | Mango Fruit Range: 250 to 280 grams |
** Mango fruit weight grading is done at unripe, green color, harvesting stage. As we ripen mangoes naturally in grass at our farm, fruit weight reduces from 10% to 25% due to moisture evaporation in summer.
There is no difference in the quality, taste, color etc. of our mangoes across the different grades.
** Geographical Indication (GI) Tag No: AU/6911/GI/139/672 - Certifies our mangoes as pure authentic Ratnagiri mangoes.
** Post harvesting, mangoes are naturally ripened in grass for few days before dispatch. We NEVER use any chemical ripening agents like Calcium carbide.
** Mangoes are very sensitive to heat. We ship 20% to 30% semi ripened green mangoes that are hard and can withstand the heat during courier shipping process. If we dispatch ripened, soft mangoes from our Ratnagiri farm, they will surely get damaged in transit. Once they reach your kitchen, the green mangoes will ripen in few days. Keep them in the Peti to ripen. Under no condition put them in a refrigerator.